- Data Science, Programming
- 2021 Fall, University College London (UCL): Undergraduate first-year course, MSIN0010 Data Analytics I - Python
- 2021 Spring, Columbia University: Master's degree Earth and Environmental Engineering Data Analysis with R
- 2020 Winter, Imperial College London: Undergraduate first-year course, EART40003 Programming for Geoscientists - Python
- 2018 Spring, Toronto University: Undergraduate first-year course, CSC 121: Computer Science for Statistics - R
- Graduate level Economics: 2020 Winter John Hopkins University Financial Economics
- Some of the course contents: portfolio theory; the capital asset pricing model and efficient markets; options I; options II; forwards, futures and corporate risk management; capital structure I; capital structure II
- Undergraduate Courses:
- 2023 Summer, Bristol University, UK, first-year course, EFIM10014: Quantitative Analysis in Management
- 2023 Spring, LSE, UK, third-year course, ST 326: Financial Statistics
- 2020 Spring York University, UK, third-year course, MAN00001H Advanced Financial Reporting
- UK A level
- Economics: AS, A2
- Math: AS, A2
- Further Math: AS, A2
- Physics: AS, A2
- Accounting: AS
- IELTS Speaking, Writing