Shijun’s Resume ✦ ✦ ✦ Toronto


  • Ontario Graduate Certificate in Marketing Research and Analytics, Centennial College, Toronto, Canada, May 2024 (expected)
  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Pittsburgh, United States, November 2015
  • M.A. in Economics, University of Pittsburgh, United States, November 2010
  • B.A. with Honorary M.A. in Economics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2006
    • First Class with honours, Lanfine Bursary (2004, 2005)


  • Recent Projects
  • Course Designer/Programmer for Educational Technology Projects
    • 2023 – Current: Developed online learning platforms 3auk.comLiuXueZiKao.comWordPress
    • 2021 – 2023: Created educational websites LiuXueWangXiao.comWordPress
      • Comprehensive online study platform: study notes, multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks questions, flashcards; covered courses: A level Economics, Accounting, Math
    • 2021 Summer Virtual Reality (VR) Classroom Unity(C#)
      • Interactive class notes, graphs, videos, exam question analysis (colored keywords, answers); Whiteboard
    • 2019-2021 Educational apps: Draggable Essay Mindmap, Drag and Drop Essay Writer, Interactive Exam Question VisualizationJavascript (Vanilla, React.js, D3.js)
      • Enable users to quickly build a simple mindmap of an essay’s main points
      • Enable users to quickly construct a full response for an essay
      • Visualize past exam questions by categorizing questions by topic, mark, level of difficulty and year
    • 2020-2021 Educational WeChat MiniAppJavascript
      • Study notes – users can create personal notes, hide and show answers button
      • Multiple choice questions – Administrator assigned homework questions, questions by topic, automatically collecting user wrong question, unlimited redo exercise of personal wrong questions
      • Search essay questions by keyword
      • Covered courses: A level Economics, Physics, Math, Further Math
    • 2018 Otree Study/Exam SystemOtree (Python)
      • A modification of the oTree: behavioral research platform – best suited for live session of exams, class exercises
      • Functions include: multiple choice questions, test – with text highlight function, drawing board, embed study videos, study notes
    • 2015-2017 Teaching GraphsR, Latex
      • A variety of teaching graphs in Economics, Physics, Math to help students visualizing abstract concepts
    • 2019 Web Scraping: Educational Info CollectionPython
      • Used Python library Scrapy to collect data on UK university majors, university news and university rankings
  • Teacher/Tutor
    • Data Science
      • 2021 Fall University College London (UCL): Undergraduate MSIN0010 Data Analytics I – Python
      • 2021 Spring Columbia University: Master’s degree Earth and Environmental Engineering Data Analysis with R
      • 2020 Winter Imperial College London: Undergraduate EART40003 Programming for Geoscientists – Python
      • 2018 Spring Toronto University: Undergraduate CSC 121: Computer Science for Statistics – R
    • Graduate level Economics: 2020 Winter John Hopkins University Financial Economics
      • Some of the course contents: portfolio theory; the capital asset pricing model and efficient markets; options I; options II; forwards, futures and corporate risk management; capital structure I; capital structure II
    • Undergraduate Accounting: 2020 Spring York University, UK MAN00001H Advanced Financial Reporting
    • UK A level
      • Economics: AS, A2; Math: AS, A2; Further Math: AS, A2; Physics: AS, A2; Accounting: AS
    • IELTS Speaking, Writing


  • Passed all three levels of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams


  • Programming:  Python(intermediate), R (intermediate), Javascript (intermediate), WordPress (proficient), Apache Sparks (beginner), Unity (beginner), LaTeX (proficient)
  • Language skills: English (fluent), Mandarin Chinese (native)


  • Douyin (Tiktok in China) followers: over 18k
  • Twitter followers: over 3000